  • Hahnel Viper TTL - Nikon

Hahnel Viper TTL - Nikon

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  • Hahnel’s Viper TTL Receiver and Transmitter allows users to remotely trigger their flash unit. Multiple receivers will work with a single transmitter, meaning you can trigger multiple flashes at once. The Viper TTL offers full wireless connectivity with the Hahnel MODUS 600RT Speedlight.

    Key Features: Hahnel Viper TTL Receiver and Transmitter

    • Reliable connections through Digital Channel Matching
    • Use multiple receivers with a single transmitter to trigger multiple flashes
    • Full wireless connectivity with Hahnel MODUS 600RT Speedlight
    • 2.5mm socket to connect to studio lights
    • MicroUSB socket for software updates
    • Powered by 2 x AA batteries
    • Over 100m range with wireless 2.4GHz ISM
    • Adjust values and mode on a group-by-group basis